who we are?

tina & jana

Meet the rock'n'roll romanticists desperately in love with love, public display of affection, details, flowers, books, and nature. We are easily inspired by all the things that surround us. The true reason we are involved in this affair is that it makes our hearts sing, allows us to sink deep in imagination, and create new realities, while it introduces us to the most wonderful people. 



Where you see nothing she sees a freestanding hanging installation, hanging literally from the sky (I have evidence).

Our engineer and physicist combined with a crazy creative florist whose imagination invents dream decorations, and also has a surgically precise calligraphic hand.

Give her open arms, let her imagination run wild and she will make magic out of nothing.

Of course she would not agree with any of the above, because she is too modest, but that is why I am here to praise her.

There is no one in the world who would choose to be another malina except her, my match made in heaven for this (business) adventure for life.


Jana is a busy bee, an organizer "par excellence", a machine that never stops thinking and devises down to the smallest details that will make your wedding special and unforgettable.

In love with flowers, she is constantly looking for an occasion to play with its amazing colors and shapes, arranging her beautiful combinations in carefully selected vases for optimum impact.

There is no obstacle that this hardworking girl has not learned to avoid by constantly learning new skills and mastering new knowledge.

At the same time, this wonderful calm soul will charm you with her smile, energy and inexhaustible enthusiasm, nothing is ever difficult for her and by just standing next to her the world will look more beautiful to you too.