

FULL EVENT PLANNING, coordination AND styling

If you do not know where to start, this is a package for you. The only thing you need to do is decide on your priorities and set a budget for your wedding and let us knock you off your feet by the amount of ideas and an inspiration we have in mind for your big day.

Our tasks will include finding venues that match your preferences and are available on your day, pairing them with vendors that bring your vision to life, logistics and supervision of the entire process including the on the day coordination. The wedding of your dreams will be tailor - made for you, while all your efforts will be sharing your vision and deciding between given options. We will be here to design the space, choosing the best materials, making sure every candle and every cable is in the right place.



Okay, so you have most things covered, you got your preferred location picked, venue booked, photographer and musicians hired for your day but do not have the time to coordinate their mutual efforts to make the magic happen. Let us be that link. 

We will orchestrate the entire concept and vision for your wedding according to your preferences. We’ll take over communication and work with all vendors so we can run your timeline with perfection, all in a magically created setting you inspired us to create for you (if you are curious to find out more, read the next paragraph).



If it’s all sorted, and the only thing you need us is bringing the looks to another level, we hear you! We will create the most beautiful setting for your ceremony, bring in every detail, flower arrangements and the confetti, name cards in calligraphy, seating charts and welcoming signs, make sure your reception is lit in beautiful string lights and there are sparklers for your first dance. We will make sure there are little moments during the evening that will engage your guests to create beautiful and loving memories of the day, and that your guests never leave without a thoughtful and personal gift from you. We are here to decorate the sweet table, and make it irresistible, swoon over and spoken of long after the night is over. Here to make your guests want to get married again!